Supplier Code of Conduct
Supplier Code of Conduct
Last modified 13.04.2023
Earth Science Analytics AS ("Earth Science Analytics") recognises its responsibility to conduct its business in accordance with all laws applicable to the business. The company is also aware of the social responsibility that the business community must take to ensure that there is no violation of fundamental human rights and to ensure that requirements for decent working conditions are met in connection with the company's operations and in our supply chain.
Earth Science Analytics AS expects all our partners to share our view that such basic requirements should be met in their own business, but also that a similar expectation is communicated in the supplier's and partner's own supply chain, etc.
When we choose our suppliers, this expectation will be fundamental.
2.1 Legal operation
Our suppliers and partners must conduct their business in accordance with all laws and regulations that apply to it. They must be prepared to be able to document to Earth Science Analytics that the supplier has routines for internal control in compliance with legal requirements and as described in point 1.
2.2 Duty to carry out due diligence assessments
Earth Science Analytics has customers that require us to make due diligence assessments in our supply chain.
In order for Earth Science Analytics to be able to meet these requirements, it is necessary to have a good collaboration with our suppliers. Consequently, it is expected that our suppliers also perform risk-based due diligence assessments in their own supply chain and that our suppliers ensure a basis for information from their supply chain. A questionnaire that can be used to obtain information in your own supply chain can be found on the last page of this document.
At the request of Earth Science Analytics, the supplier is expected to share information that the supplier has obtained from its own supply chain.
2.3 Duty to notify
Earth Science Analytics expects our suppliers and partners to notify us without undue delay if they become aware of illegal actions, violations of fundamental human rights, or demands for decent working conditions - in their own business or in their supply chain. A reasoned delay with notice lasts until the necessary clarification of the actual circumstances has taken place. In case of serious breaches, it must be notified already in case of suspicion.
2.4 Duty to co-operate on remedial measures
If Earth Science Analytics’ suppliers or partners become aware of misconduct in their own business, regardless of the person's formal affiliation with the business or in their own supply chain, the business is obliged to cooperate with Earth Science Analytics on remedial measures.
2.5 Notification Policy
To ensure information about any violations, including violations of fundamental human rights or requirements for decent working conditions, Earth Analytics expect that those of our suppliers who, in their due diligence have identified the risk of such violations, establish an opportunity to notify the supplier of such suspicion.
The obligation to establish a separate alert channel only applies where the supplier deals with suppliers in areas with a high risk of violations of fundamental human rights or of requirements for decent working conditions (see e.g.
Earth Science Analytics has zero-tolerance for corruption. The company will react to any corrupt action, possibly also with the termination of the cooperation.
Our suppliers shall not request, receive or offer an undue advantage in connection with position, position, or position in Earth Science Analytics or in connection with Earth Science Analytics.
Our suppliers shall not, directly or indirectly, offer gifts or free services to any representative of Earth Science Analytics unless the gift or service has less value, is a moderate gift on the occasion of birthdays or other anniversaries, or is in connection with a private relationship.
Invitation to dinners, festivities, events, travel, etc. is only permitted where these are either purely commercially justified or are pre-cleared with Earth Science Analytics’ administration and shall in all cases only include moderate costs.
Earth Science Analytics’ suppliers and partners shall only trade with suppliers and others who conduct legal business and whose funds come from legal sources.
Suppliers and other partners must, in their own business, ensure that all employees have decent working conditions. This includes:
- Prohibition of child labour
- freedom from unlawful coercion
- right to organize in a workers' association
- right to uncontrolled contact with union representatives
- the right to collective bargaining
- that working hours are in accordance with legal requirements and at least the requirements set out in the ILO's core conventions
- the right to remuneration in accordance with the law, binding agreement, and minimum requirements of the ILO's core conventions
- the right to overtime pay in accordance with legal requirements and minimum requirements in the ILO's core conventions
- the right to a good working environment that safeguards health, environment, and safety
The suppliers and partners shall set similar requirements in its own supply chain or, through investigations ensure that this is such requirements are met.
The supplier shall refrain from any form of discrimination in its own company and take the necessary measures to prevent employees or other representatives of the company from being discriminated against on the basis of race, ethnicity, age, religion, ideology, gender, sexual orientation, illness or disability, nationality, background, political views or membership in organizations or unions.
Earth Science Analytics expects the company's suppliers and partners to make similar demands on their partners.